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Join date : 2022-06-09

I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:41 am
I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast- Click Link For More Info ==>

For me it took about 30lbs but I am 5'11" I don't know, for you, less than that I guess.
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Join date : 2022-06-09

I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty Re: I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:09 pm
Tam-Tam I thought of you and of course prayed for you during the pandemic since it hit a lot of business. My nephew who has his own business was shut down completely because he works sound systems etc for plays and conferences etc and of course with the distancing that was impossible to do. I think he is slowly getting his business going again, but still limited. I'm glad yours is taking off again. Do you do mailings as well?

I do like eating low carb and will continue doing that most of the time, but I want to go back to doing it Intuitively/Mindfully like I did about 18 years ago before I ever heard of anything like IE. Getting back to the WOE today. Funny how at my age that I am learning to do a lot of things when I was younger when they had no names for them. I always say I learned how to gain weight when we were told "Oh you need to eat more and at least eat 3 meals a day". Something I never did until I was in my 20s. I didn't starve myself. I just didn't eat unless I was hungry. I could sit in a restaurant or with friends and just visit with a cold drink and eat nothing just because "I was not hungry". Never thought about how much I weighed as it wasn't a problem until I started following what they called "normal" eating. I hope I can retrain myself to eat only when I am hungry, eat what I want, enjoy and savor it and stop just because I'm satisfied but not full as I have never liked feeling stuffed.
Posts : 342
Join date : 2022-06-09

I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty Re: I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:09 pm
Good question

I read somewhere that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a loss, 8 weeks for the people who are always around you and 12 weeks for the rest of the world...or something like that. They didn't say how much weight you needed to lose for this table but I usually don't hear anyone say anything until it has been at least a 20 pound loss. Most of the time it takes my clothes getting loose for me to realize I am really losing regardless of the numbers on the scale because when I look in the mirror it doesn't look much different to me.
Posts : 342
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I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty Re: I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:10 pm
Hi TamTam so good to see you here. I think of you often wondering how you are doing. I like Carol Sue try to do more of a IE/Intermittent Fasting as well although not doing super great at this time. Hope you have a blessed evening.
Posts : 335
Join date : 2022-06-09

I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty Re: I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:10 pm
Tam-Tam I thought of you and of course prayed for you during the pandemic since it hit a lot of business. My nephew who has his own business was shut down completely because he works sound systems etc for plays and conferences etc and of course with the distancing that was impossible to do. I think he is slowly getting his business going again, but still limited. I'm glad yours is taking off again. Do you do mailings as well?

I do like eating low carb and will continue doing that most of the time, but I want to go back to doing it Intuitively/Mindfully like I did about 18 years ago before I ever heard of anything like IE. Getting back to the WOE today. Funny how at my age that I am learning to do a lot of things when I was younger when they had no names for them. I always say I learned how to gain weight when we were told "Oh you need to eat more and at least eat 3 meals a day". Something I never did until I was in my 20s. I didn't starve myself. I just didn't eat unless I was hungry. I could sit in a restaurant or with friends and just visit with a cold drink and eat nothing just because "I was not hungry". Never thought about how much I weighed as it wasn't a problem until I started following what they called "normal" eating. I hope I can retrain myself to eat only when I am hungry, eat what I want, enjoy and savor it and stop just because I'm satisfied but not full as I have never liked feeling stuffed.
Posts : 328
Join date : 2022-06-09

I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty Re: I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:11 pm
Do you have to exercise to lose weight or is watching what you eat enough?
Posts : 328
Join date : 2022-06-09

I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty Re: I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:11 pm
Hello, I’m going 5’7” tall. It took me about 6 weeks to see results, noticeable weight loss. I had a trainer, was put on a strict low carb diet, ate small meals every 2.5-3 hours. I worked out everyday for 1 hour, combining cardio & weight lifting. I lost about 22lbs altogether. My heaviest was 253 & went down to 231 by the time I was done my 6 week training with a trainer. The first few pounds I lost on my own prior to the training. The rest is on my own....IT WAS HARD!!! I couldn’t walk normally the first time I did leg work out! Haha
Posts : 321
Join date : 2022-06-09

I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast Empty Re: I Need To Get Into Ketosis Fast

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:12 pm
Hey, I'm in a simillar boat to you (though thankfully just for my lunch times of campus but still - the options are even slimmer pickings). I'd suggest the plain salad and the chicken salad, not just two plain ones - as you'll be able to at least get one serve of protein that way.

I know a lot of people are going to can me for this - but peanut butter will turn up being a friend if you make sure to just play nicely with it. Not gorging, but it will help give a bit of variety and if you are able to mix it with some greek yoghurt (if you can get some) it will actually probably end up tasting nicer and being less cals per serve than your ceasar dressing actually will. (Also, the protein part as well will at least help a bit in that regards.)

Another idea might be, if you'd be interested - see if you can't get some friends together to maybe save up each week and do a weekly run to the supermarket to get some nice fresh food? I'm sure they will all be sick of feeling tired and run down from the Chick'a'fils and such that getting some way to have fresh fruits or berries or just something not fried will be a blessing in disguise.
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